Raphael Trotman

Raphael Trotman, born 1966, is a lawyer and a politician in Guyana.

A former executive member of the People's National Congress Reform, Trotman co-founded the Alliance For Change (AFC) in 2005 along with Khemraj Ramjattan and Sheila Holder. Officially launched on October 29, 2005, the AFC received 8.3% of the national vote and won 5 of the 65 seats in the August 2006 elections, becoming the third largest political party in Guyana.

Trotman was initially elected to Parliament in 1998 as a member of the People's National Congress Reform. Trotman resigned the PNCR on May 27, 2005 but did not resign his Parliamentary seat until 27 December 2005, well after the launch of his new political party.

In the 2006 elections, Trotman was his party's Presidential candidate.

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